Sant'Antonio di Gallura: an amazing landscape
Sant'Antonio is the tipical hamlet of Gallura, set between Limbara's mountains and sea. The area is made of deep wide valley and oak's wood. One of the most important place is Sant'Andrea's church, wich has an ancient story revealed from graves and gold rings founded in the building, and is also part of "Villa Castro", medieval village and original centre of Sant'Antonio.
Really close to the hamlet there is a beautiful mountain named "Monte Santo", with its tipical pink granite and surrounded by an amazing wild nature. This is the kingdom of foxes, weasels, hares and wild boares. So exciting is the view of the lake called "Lago del Liscia", favourite destination of the hikers, composed by canals and oxbows.
Major of Sant'Antonio, Angelo Pittorru, talking about the involvement of the village in the FIM ISDE 2013, has declared: "We are so proud to have the chance of hosting the Six Days. It's a fantastic occasion to promote our territory, traditions and wine and food. We will organize tours of our landscape, and the Federazione Motociclistica Italiana (Italian Motorcycling Federation) has all our enthusiasm and cooperation"