NEWS See Argentina
Posted Feb 4, 2014 "I was there" for Sardinian people
Posted Dec 3, 2013 FMI helps Sardinia
Posted Nov 26, 2013 Italian Enduro Champions: the awards ceremony
Posted Nov 25, 2013
The Six Days in Sardinia has been an extraordinary event, made possible thanks to the support of the Sardinian region, which was recently damage by a huge flood.
The memory of the FIM ISDE 2013 can give a concrete help to the Sardinian people. On, it is possible to buy some of the most successful Six Days merchandising products (t-shirts and sweatshirts), reprinted for the occasion in limited edition with the "I WAS THERE” inscription.
A way to remember an amazing event, and to give a real hand to the people affected by the flood, because some of the proceeds from the sale of these new products will be donated to the fundraiser held by the Olbia district.